Wellcome to RBT Capital - Professional Loan Specialists
Mosman, NSW 2088, Australia

Understanding your credit score!


Do you know your credit score or why it matters?

Your credit score is important as many lenders use it to understand your past credit profile. This infographic helps explain the basic facts you need to know about credit scores and how they might affect you.

1. How is your score calculated?

Your credit score can be affected by a range of factors, including:

2. Who looks at your credit score?

These are just some of the places:

3. Your credit score is important as many lenders use it to understand your past credit profile.
It can determine your ability to:

4. 4 facts on defaults

5. Credit scores-by the numbers

5.https://www.choice.com.au/money/credit-cards-and-loans/home-loans/articles/ how-to-protect-your-credit-rating