Wellcome to RBT Capital - Professional Loan Specialists
Mosman, NSW 2088, Australia

Fastest Short Term Business Loans - in 24hrs!


Borrow $20,000 to $2,000,000 in just 24 hours

  • No valuations done
  • No tax returns or cashflow required
  • Bad credit history is ok
  • Loan arrears and tax debt is ok
  • We lend up to 75% LVR
  • We lend anywhere in Australia
  • No massive upfront fee’s
  • With Genuine private lender

What's a Short Term Business Loan ?
A Short Term Business Loan (or sometimes referred to as a CAVEAT LOAN) are fast settling loans, which are structured just for a short term of 1 to 6 months. Unlike normal forms of finance, these loans need to be able to settle quickly…. Generally within 24 hours from the time the application is first lodged. As such, there is no time for valuations, and bank style due diligence, and in many cases, a bad credit history is irrelevant.

It's All About Helping Businesses

It is simply an ASSET LEND, where we secure the loan against a piece of real estate (whether it be a house, unit, land or a commercial property), and the borrower pays it back at a predetermined time in the next few months. This is known as an EXIT STRATEGY. Repayment of the caveat loan could be through a refinance, sale of an asset, business cash flow, commissions due…. Any event that we can verify is a suitable exit strategy.

We mainly go behind your current 1st mortgage, so we effectively sit as 2nd security on your property. Once our loan is paid out, our caveat is removed from your title, and that is the end of the transaction. AND NO, contrary to some myths around the place, your 1st mortgagee (being your bank) will not object and has absolutely no interest in any caveat going on title… simply as it doesn’t affect them in any way.





  • Pay off an overlooked or overdue tax debt
  • Fund a short fall on a commercial property settlement
  • Provide cash flow due to an unexpected downturn
  • An urgent advance on a pending refinance or property sale

Our super low rates start at 1.95% per month. There is also an establishment fee and legal costs, ALL of which are CLEARLY noted on your Conditional Approval letter, and ALL interest and costs are capitalised into the loan, so there is NOTHING to pay until the end of the loan.  This is great, as it won’t harm your cashflow, or place further financial pressure on you while you refinance, etc.

In doing the sums, if you take out a short term caveat loan for just 1, 2 or even 3 months, the cost is CHEAPER than getting a 12 month 2nd mortgage.

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